Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I completely agree with everything that the author of "Obesity and Race in America" was stating. She said, "Food availability, marketing of food, and obstacles to physical activity in low-income neighborhoods are largely responsible for the high prevalence of obesity in ethnic minorities." I agree with this because if I was from a low income family, the last thing on my mind would be whether or not the food I was eating was good for me or not. I also agree with the author because she says that the media contributes to the higher prevalence of obesity in America. Every other commercial on t.v is fast food, candy, and soda etc. The media does that on purpose, because the more commercials I see on t.v, the more I want that product. I think, however, that the media tries to target everyone, not just minorities. McDonald's doesn't care who eats their product, as long as they get money from it. 

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