Thursday, October 14, 2010

While reading in my Embracing Writing book, I came across a passage called "Layering the Details." I really enjoyed reading this passage because I had never understood the point of detailing while writing. In the reading it explained that you should describe all physical features, dress, smell, mannerisms, how a person talks, and so on, because it will make the reading more enjoyable for the audience. I usually don't ever fully detail my writing so after reading this it was clear that if I want to become a better writer, I need to describe every little detail. Great detailing will allow the audience to see what you were seeing, feel what you were feeling, smell the scent, and point out a specific person in a crowded room. This reading convinced me to start detailing all of my writing assignments from now on.

Friday, October 8, 2010

One of the readings that I really enjoyed was "A Twisted World." The whole thing made me laugh because it was very clever. One of my favorites quotes in the reading was on page 103, "This country would obviously look and run very differently. First off, our capitol would be moved to Hollywood, California, and Washington D.C. would be replaced by a real mall." I like that quote because in our society almost everything has to do with the media and celebrities. Most people don't care about politics, they are more worried about who's dating whom in Hollywood, and whether or not Lindsay Lohan is back in rehab. One thing I do agree with in the reading is the legalization of marijuana. On page 103 it says, "Shortly after these celebrities are in office, there would be a giant push for the legalization of marijuana and most other drugs." Personally I think marijuana should be legal, and police should stop looking for marijuana when they should be more worried about the bigger drugs like cocaine or heroin, and the people who are distributing those to younger and younger children ( This reading was a funny and persuasive way to help people understand that politicians and the government are doing a pretty good job considering all the circumstances. I would like to see the average Joe trying to make a new heath plan or what to do with the troops who are still in Iraq because from my perspective, I know I couldn't do a better job and neither could most of the U.S. "We need to realize that in order to dig ourselves out of this massive hole we are in, it is up to us to be patient, no matter how difficult that may be in times of hardship. Clearly, things could be worse." Before reading this, I was convinced that the President and his officials were doing a terrible job, but my opinion has changed, and I respect how hard they have to work to keep everyone safe.