Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blog Numero Dos

I watched all four of the literacy narratives, and they really put things into perspective for me on how I want to do my own literacy narrative. They were all good, however, I really liked John Rapp's literacy narrative. It really popped out to me when I started watching it. The music was interesting and it made me want to keep watching. It's important to have good music because if you're watching a movie and it has "blah" sounding music you're not going to pay attention. Every song in the movie kind of "fits" together too, I don't know how, but it does. The visuals weren't too much, and they were relative to what was going on, and I thought it was clever to have both his own family pictures, as well as pictures probably found on google or something. I also liked how he kind of made his wording funny and the whole project as a whole made me smile. The writing in the project was good to because nothing was too long, and it didn't distract me from the movie either. His coloring was on key too! Black is a good neutral color to use, because it really does match with everything. John's project really made me wish that I had stuck with playing the violin haha, because he made music look fun, and I think that's also an important aspect when you're making a literacy narrative. Another reason why I liked this narrative was because it wasn't too long. I think his project was a perfect length, because if I were to watch a 5 minute video, I don't know if I could pay attention for that long. I really enjoyed the fact that he had an unhappy face in the beginning and slowly it became a happy face! Which went along with the theme of the literacy narrative project, overcoming a conflict and never giving up. In John's case it was overcoming having no friends, gaining friends, and doing something he loved (music). So all in all, it was a good literacy narrative project!

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